Sunday, August 31, 2014

Great political day

   A big thank you goes out to the County Midwives Association for competiting against the Certified Plumbers and Opthomologist Uniton.  The ladies did an excellent job of showing the crowd the breathing exercises for extracts ringers from the stakes.  It takes some co-ordination.  Several people in the now heated stands along the Bamford Horseshoe Pit fainted.

    The CPOU brought along a gigantic sign advertising their motto. "Helping you see sewage".  It was well received by the audience.  But they did not like the nasty comments by some of the visitors from Apsley.  Like your sewage doesn't smell?

    All three political candidates turned up.  First speaker, Zack Hatchet ,promised to pave the museum parking lot.  So then, when Penelopy Razer took the stand, she upped it by saying if she was elected she would put parking lines on the pavement.  Hard to believe, but Sandy Beach from Paudash said she would do all of the above and in addition,  put up evening entertainment for visitors.

     Zack really ended the debate by saying, he'll pave it, line it, and entertain it with exotic dancers.  Immediately Penelopy and Sandy volunteered to perform and feeling a possible of conflict of interest, resigned from the election attempt.  What a thrilling ending!

    Thanks to the police for demonstating how to shoot beer cans from the top of the stakes.  Thanks to the plumbers for duct taping the holes in the neighbour's RV.

     Unfortunately the 'Shoesies', the HG cheerleaders, had a mechanical breakdown on their touring bus and were stranded in Thunderbay.  Last we heard they were hitchhiking on the Transcanada highway.

     By the way, the midwives pulled out a 40 to 39 victory.  Champagne for the crowd from the County Municipal Workers Union.  Thanks guys.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Great competition again

    It was another great day at the Bamford Horseshoe Pit.  It was wonderful for the County to run the beer tent and the happy hour lasted most of the afternoon.  The fire department was on hand to show how to crush beer cans on their forehead.  Thanks to the nurses who quickly responded with bandages.
     The newly minted cheerleaders were a major hit of the day.  The Wilberforce ladies were extremely well prepared and had several outstanding cheers.

     "Give us some voice, but not remorse
       We're the gals from Wilberforce
       Throw thoses shoes
       We don't take boos
       Give us some ringers
       'Cause we're the dingers"

      This stirred the Highland Grove ladies, called the  Doozies for Shoesies to cheer

      Horseshoeology, horseshoeology
      You heard it right, it's no apology
      We're the best, and your  the rest
      We may be small, but that's not all
      Have a nice trip to Wilberforce
      'Cause we're going to win, that's of course.

      Next week soap boxes are going to be installed between the stakes and policticans are welcome to give their views on why they should be elected.   No beer will be allowed to be sold before the speeches to prevent unruly conduct during the presentations.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Getting better

      It was nice of the County to install insulated bleachers for the Bamford Horseshoe Pit.  They apologized for not having them heated for winter events, but promised to solve the issue in late October.

     Fortunately no fights this weekend.  A car full of Wilberforce horseshoers turned up since they heard that every time they scored a point they were rewarded with hugs from the ladies.  They were told that Wilberforce rules are not in effect in Highland Grove.  They drove away in a huff.

     Several of the exotic dancers lost ear rings.  They would appreciate if found, to please contact them at the Deer Lake Lounge and Dancerama.  Also, the slipper used to drink champagne by the winning team was not returned to the girls.  It is easily identified by the teeth marks of a not to be named competitor from Bancroft.

     It is true that cheerleaders will be at next week's tournament.  And, the teams will have male and female members.  The County has already agree to construct a platform for the cheerleaders.

     The beer tent was another success and in the future beer will be sold only in plastic cups.  It took much time to sweep the glass from the highway.

     See everyone again next week.


Monday, August 11, 2014

Results of 'shoeing' on Sunday

The HG horseshoe club would like to thank the teamsters for parking the vehicles on Sunday afternoon.  And the numerous teenagers who obtained community service hours for babysitting the children.  It was lucky that the ice cream truck came by.

     Now, we are very sorry about the fight.  In the future we will try to make sure that people with strained relationships do not play in the same game.  We did not know about the pending divorce between two people and we should have been cognizant  when one said 'I'd like to put this horseshoe around your neck'.  Fortunately the man ducked the shoe and we intervened. We escorted her off the grounds.  Perhaps insurance will cover his broken windshield.

    Now, lets make sure that we all play with the recognized rules of Horseshoes.  Firstly, the man from Wilberforce who said that every time he got a point the ladies had to give him a hug.  Maybe they play like that in Wilberforce, but it is not a Highland Grove rule.  Fortunately he didn't get a ringer, since he claimed that the men had to hug him!

     Secondly, if a lady made a bad throw, you can not request a second thrown since you claim to have your fingers crossed behind your back.  This is not in the rules.  And if you are refused a makeup throw, please respect the decision and not swear and kick dirt on the judge.

     Also, it is not polite to let the air out of the tires of the judge just because he denied you three points when you claimed it was a ringer and the judge said it was worth only one point.  We had to round up an air compressor and it made our community look bad.

     The police said they will provide additional security next Sunday, so it is probably going to be a safe afternoon from 1 to 4 pm.  Turn out for a good time.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Sunday August 10

  Sunday afternoon the Highland Grove Museum will be accepting registrations for Singles and Teams looking to compete at the new Bamford Horseshoe Pits next to the Museum... Registration is being accepted for all Divisions - Mens, Womens, Junior Boys, Junior Girls, and Seniors. Everyone is welcome to stop by between 1-4

                                  Come out and throw some shoes.

The following can also be used for contact.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Need some action

Bamford Pit is waiting for activity.  There are three original horseshoes at the pit.  Take off the pink wrapping on the stakes and start to pit.  Some of the shoes will probably hit the patio stones, but that is the way that competitive pits are set up.

The above site has the rules.

A Waterloo company sells horseshoes.  There are various weights, designs, and colours. 

Hopefully a picnic be.nch will be set up for the various spectators who come to view the games.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Ready, set, throw

Bamford Pit is open for use by all interested people.  If you have an interest in forming a team or competing against others, please call Joanne at 448-2218 and leave a name and phone number.  The Pit is beside the Schoolhouse Museum. 

The Heritage Society is interested in having community members set up clubs, competitions, and whatever you devise.  There are 2 sets of shoes that are available, but you must make arrangements for obtaining them from the museum staff.  Regular horseshoes, from real horses, are also great for use.

This blog site will be used to set up blocks of time for scheduled events.

Almost ready

The Bamford Pit is almost ready for use.  Stay tuned to this site for updated information.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Bamford Pit

The horseshoe stakes slope towards each other by 3 inches; they are not perfectly vertical.  There are two locations for pitching.  For people with strong arms, the front of the sand pit is the border.  For others, the platform extends 10 feet beyond.

A ringer is 3 points.  A counting shoe is within 6 inches of the stake, which is the width of a shoe, and counts one point.  Some people count a leaning shoe as 2 points.  Games are usually played to 40 points, but can be changed by agreement of the players.

Hopefully a meeting can be held with interested players to set up an organization that can determine a scheduling system.   It would be great to have teams.

There is room for 3 more pits besides the existing pit.  Perhaps a business could match Donny Bamford and fund another pit.

The Schoolhouse Heritage Museum is happy to support this heritage game in the community.  People are welcome to borrow our competitive horseshoes to try the game.

Horseshoes in Highland Grove

The Schoolhouse Museum would like to thank Donny Bamford for donating materials for making the horseshoe pit beside the schoolhouse at the community centre.

Advertising of the activities will be done through this site.  Scheduling and rules will soon be established.

The Heritage Society has 4 competitive shoes for learning and testing, but eventually you will need to purchase or obtain shoes for your personal use.

Hopefully there will be lots of activity at the Bamford Pits.